A lecturer of the Bachelor Program in Japanese Language and Culture, Mr. Akbar Rizqi Dhea Habibi, was invited by the Bumi Shalawat Sidoarjo Progressive School to fill the Cross Cultural Experience activity on May 6-7, 2024. The activity was attended by students from the extracurricular Japanese Class. This activity consisted of a sharing session by Akbar Rizqi, accompanied by a foreign student from Japan, Yoshikawa Ryoga, who is studying at INCULS FIB UGM. The topic raised at the activity was discussing life and the school environment in Japan and Indonesia. In addition, it was continued with a workshop and practice of writing Japanese calligraphy (Shuuji). In the sharing session, Mr. Akbar Rizqi provided in-depth insights on how to get a scholarship, learn the Japanese language and culture, and shared experiences about life and the school environment in Japan. There was also a sharing session by Yoshikawa Ryoga about his experiences as a foreign student in Indonesia.
In addition to the sharing session, this activity also includes a workshop and practice of writing Japanese calligraphy, or what is known as Shuuji. In this session, participants are taught the basic techniques of writing Japanese calligraphy, which not only enriches their knowledge of Japanese art and culture, but also trains their fine motor skills. This activity not only provides academic and cultural insights, but also strengthens bonds between students through collaborative activities. The Cross Cultural Experience activity ran smoothly and left a deep impression on all participants. The students were very enthusiastic to listen to the experiences and tips shared by the speakers, which are expected to motivate them to study abroad, especially in Japan.